Real-time infectious disease modelling seminars

We run a monthly virtual seminar focussing on real-time modelling of infectious disease with the primary aim of connecting between different silos of knowledge (i.e. between mathematical modellers, statisticians, decision-makers, epidemiologists, and others).

This takes place on the first Wednesday of every month at 3pm UK time with recordings posted a week later on our community site alongside any discussion of the seminar.

We generally aim to fill the scheduled hour with talks ranging from 20-40 minutes followed by questions and community discussion.

You can see a list of scheduled speakers here. If interested in speaking yourself, or in helping to organise this seminar series, please reach out to Sam Abbott or Kelly Charniga (the current organisers).

Please do attend if interested in the real-time modelling of infectious disease.

Connect to seminars

You can sign up for our event calendar here: Google calendar

Or here for non-Google calendar users: ICAL link

Or follow this RSS feed.

Or just join seminars directly here:

To get an email with details of community meetings you can sign up to our community forum and watch (using the bell on the top right) the Meeting category.

Upcoming and previous seminars

Date Title
May 3, 2023 Kelly Charniga - Nowcasting and Forecasting the 2022 U.S. Mpox Outbreak: Support for Public Health Decision Making and Lessons Learned
Jun 7, 2023 Katelyn Gostic - CFA: A new center at the US CDC focused on building response-ready modeling tools
Jul 5, 2023 James Hay - The most important operator in infectious disease modeling, and how to use it with biomarker data
Sep 6, 2023 Sang Woo Park - Generation and serial intervals in epidemics
Oct 4, 2023 Billy Quilty - Daily rapid testing in contact tracing for Covid-19: From models to trials to policy in the UK
Nov 1, 2023 Samuel Brand - Modelling and forecasting Mpox incidence in the United Kingdom using a randomly sized partitioning of the population
Dec 6, 2023 Rebecca Borchering - Informing short term forecasts of categorical trends in confirmed influenza hospital admissions in the US using real-time effective reproduction number estimates
Feb 14, 2024 Chris Overton - Nowcasting the 2022 Mpox outbreak in England
Mar 6, 2024 Tomás León - CalCAT: Past, Present, and Future for California’s Use of Infectious Disease Modeling in Public Health Response
May 1, 2024 Emily Pollock - Developing and deploying dynamic sexual network models for outbreak response in the US
Jun 5, 2024 Charlotte Hammer - John Snow in a digital world: Field epidemiology training in the 21st century
Jul 3, 2024 Juliette (Ettie) Unwin - Using Hawkes Processes to model infectious disease transmission
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Seminar recordings

When possible we record seminars and post the recordings to YouTube. You can find a playlist of all the recordings here.